What To Watch This Week

by Tyler Osby on April 28, 2008


It’s important to recognize that advice is extremely valuable when looking for a mortgage.  The right advice can literally save you thousands of dollars, while the wrong advice can cost you the same.  I’m talking on this subject because too often when we’re asking the wrong questions when shopping around.

The first thing you’ve got to have your antenna up on is economic news if you want to have any idea what direction rates are moving.

Here’s this week’s economic calendar:

Economic News Calendar

If you’re currently shopping around on mortgage rates, these are the big reports you’re going to want to follow.  

One thing I caution anyone on these reports is that often the market does not react logically, but it reacts emotionally to the news.  Make sure you’re working with a professional mortgage planner that can save you time and money by following these reports very closely.  After all, I’m sure you’ve got a full time job on your own – you shouldn’t have to make it your job to watch the market.  That’s mine.

If you’d like to see market updates as they come available, you can follow my feed on Twitter!  I also have that feed live at the top of WealthWithMortgage.

Thanks again and have a great week! 


{ 2 comments… read them below or add one }

Jeremiah Arn April 28, 2008 at 1:32 pm

That is SO true, Tyler. I have been watching mortgage bonds for more than 5 years and sometimes I STILL get surprised on the WAY the market reacts to certain news. So its not enough to even know what rates are truly based on — you gotta work with a local pro who is ready to add value first!
Keep up the good work,

tylerosby April 30, 2008 at 6:31 pm

Thanks Jeremiah! I’m always glad to hear there are other professionals tuned into the right information.

Thank you for reading.. Keep the conversation going in the future!

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